Friday, May 30, 2008

Assignment 2-2 Icon Analysis

The first pop culture icon I chose was Ronald McDonald. He’s the mascot for McDonald’s fast food restaurants. McDonald’s is really popular with little kids, and Ronald McDonald is the face of McDonald’s for children. All of their playgrounds, happy meals, and any other child related offerings feature Ronald and his pals as the theme. Even the charity McDonald’s founded for family housing while a loved one is in a children’s hospital is named after Ronald.

Picture taken from Wikipedia, on May 29,'08

The second one I chose was the Nintendo DS. This portable video game system is not only marketed for children but for adults as well. This is one of the first portables that offer a variety of programming for adults. Whether it be brain building or adult themed games, the DS offers a number of games aimed just at their adult audience. With its pen shaped stylus it has a wider range of possibilities for game play. Especially with the brain building games, the DS has learned to recognize numbers and letters, allowing the user to input their answers with the pen rather than pushing a button to select an answer from a multiple choice. I even had to go buy one for myself. I <3 that it came in pink. :D
Picture Taken from a search result linking to Circuit City's website.
The third pop culture icon I chose is the "totally organic" Clairol Herbal Essences commercials where women moan and make a lot of noise while taking a shower. I still think of that commercial every time I go by an Herbal Essences product. I tend to ask my boyfriend if he will be moaning like that if he uses this product. Hahaha I doubt that I’m the only one that remembers this commercial line. It was extremely memorable.
Here's a link to one of the commercials on YouTube.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Assignment 1-4

This week the topic I’d like to discuss is the cellular phone. I can remember a time not so long ago when your average person didn’t have a cell phone. Only business people had them, and they came in a briefcase sized bag and had a cord attached from the handset to a large unit. Then came something that looks similar to the cell phones we have today. They were still something that people didn’t feel they needed. Now every child over the age of 10 seems to have one. If I could go back to the early 90’s and tell people that in 2008 small children and people at the welfare office had cell phones they wouldn’t believe me.
Cell phone commercials are a popular culture icon in their own rite. The phrase, “Can you hear me now?” is well known by most people. You can’t watch TV for an hour without seeing at least 2 mobile phone company ads.
With today’s cell phones and plans becoming more and more affordable it’s becoming a reasonable alternative to paying long distance phone charges. People are abandoning their land lines and going completely wireless.
Today’s cell phones have replaced the camera, day planner, and personal music device. Why carry a lot of hardware if you can carry just your cell phone. You know you’re going to be carrying it anyway. I can’t leave my house without mine. If someone calls and I don’t answer it, they automatically think I died. Texting has become a part of my life. Just as sending pictures without using the computer has. Not to mention that I feel much safer when I’m driving or walking somewhere. It’s nice to know that both mommy and 9-11 are just a push of a button away.

Assignment 1-2

To me pop culture is something or a group of things that defines a generation. I can't even name all of the items from the 80's and 90's that I feel define my generation.

Understanding popular culture is important in a business field because you should know your customer base. It's also extremely helpful in advertising.

Speaking of advertising, the popular culture icon I chose is the Taco Bell Chihuahua. This is an advertising gimmick that hasn't been on tv for years but people still remember. Owning a chihuaua, I hear this all the time. "You have one of those Taco Bell dogs!" At taco bell drive thru - "Your dog is like.. our mascot!" Besides television and radio ads; that chihuahua spawned a series of toys, and numerous catch phrases. Yo quiero taco bell!