Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Assignment 3-1

The popular culture icon I’d like to examine this week is the color pink. Pink is generally associated with girls and all things feminine. It’s traditionally emasculating for men to wear pink. Luckily this double standard is slowly but surely coming to a close. It’s becoming more and more OK for men to wear pink ties and shirts to work. It still isn’t seen as the most manly color but it’s getting to be less taboo. It’s also becoming more acceptable for girls to not wear pink, or for women to wear just as much pink as they did in their childhoods. When I was a child most adult women didn’t wear pink very often. Especially the light bubble gum/baby pink, this was viewed as childish. Women considered themselves “too old” for the color. Pink has a lot of concepts associated with it. There is a musical artist named Pink, a song called Pink, not to mention a few cartoon characters whose names or trademarks involve pink. I’m glad that people are seeing colors as less of a pop culture icon as the time goes by. Maybe eventually we’ll be able to wear whatever color we want without stereotypes being associated with them.

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